PayPal - dobrze zgaduje ze chca moje haslo ?
(Wiadomość utworzona zbyt dawno temu. Odpowiedź niemożliwa.)
2008-09-08 20:46:28 UTC
Dosta³em takiego mejla ... dobrze zgaduje ze to podpucha ??


PayPal Department Notice

You have received this email because you or someone had used your account
from different locations.
For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this

In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your banking
To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can
complete the verification of
your PayPal Account registration information :


Please Note:
If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48 hours,
then we will assume this PayPal account is fraudulent and will be suspended.
The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not
been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community.

We appreciate your support and understanding and thank you for your prompt
attention to this matter.


PayPal Department

Please do not reply to this email as this is only a notification. Mail sent
to this address cannot be answered.
PayPal Departament

2008-09-08 22:41:55 UTC
Post by Rockk
PayPal Department Notice
You have received this email because you or someone had used your account
from different locations.
For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this
In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your
banking details.
To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can
complete the verification of
Oczywiście że to fałszywy email. Prześlij go dalej pod adres email:
2008-09-09 21:23:45 UTC
przes³a³em .. a swoja drog±, czy np ebay, albo paypal nie rozsy³aja czasem
takich listów, zeby sprawdzic czy uztkownicy sa swiadomi ??

kiedys przysz³o mi cos takiego na ebay, oczywiscie zalogowa³em sie, po
kilkunatu godzinach konto mi zablokowali, z informacja ze z tajnego Œód³a,
nie moga powiedziec jakiego dowiedzieli sie ze moje has³o mog³o sie dostac w
niepowo³ane rêce i ze jakos tm mam sobie je odblokowac
2008-09-09 21:54:30 UTC
Post by Rockk
przes³a³em ..
wow po 20 minutach odpowiedz, mo¿e to i automat, ale zawsze cos ... w
all....o to chyba tylko w takim tempie zamykaj± konta.


Thanks for taking an active role by reporting suspicious-looking emails.
The email you forwarded to us is a phishing email, and our security team
is working to disable it.

What is a phishing email?
Phishing emails attempt to steal your identity and will often ask
you to
reveal your password or other personal or financial information.
will never ask for your password over the phone or in an email
and will
always address you by your first and last name.

Take our Fight Phishing Challenge at
https://www.paypal.com/fightphishing to learn # things you should
about phishing. You'll also see what we're doing to help fight
every day.

You've made a difference.
Every email counts. By forwarding a suspicious-looking email to
***@paypal.com, you've helped keep yourself and others safe from
identity theft.


The PayPal Team

